We are big believers that mindset and setting goals are the key to success in life.
Here are some things that we practice daily and can help you achieve your success:
- Be Grateful and Thankful More -- When people help you or do things for you show your gratitude, verbalize it! Drop accusations and threats that won't build your success, and will cause major rifts in your relationships and reputation. People don't want to work with those who constantly demonstrate those behaviours. Focus on positive behaviours and gratitude, these draw people to you rather than repel people away.
- Make time for those who mean the most to you -- don't give up time to be with those that mean the most to you. Schedule it in.
- Help your clients beyond your normal service offering -- If a client is struggling to pay you, see if you can help them rather than adding to the stress, or threatening legal action. Or if they need more help than what you normally provide, help them find the help or pitch in. This approach will lead to greater results for all over time.
- Do more than what you are being paid for -- there is a definite need for business relationships to get back to being more than just monetary transactions, thus building stronger long term relationships and future reciprocity.
- Believe in your dreams and goals -- hang out with those who support your dreams and goals, positive and motivational. Create distances between you and those who are hateful, negative or adversarial.
- Plans and goals require hard work -- don't think that anyone gets to success without hard work -- those "overnight successes" were usually 5-10 years in the making.
- Time is precious - schedule it and make the most of it; you will get more time for work, self and others if you schedule it.
- Thank your clients -- thank your clients and appreciate that they put their trust in you. For our clients -- thank you for all being part of our community and trusting us to help you grow your business! See it is easy.
- Thank your vendors who support you -- without your vendors, your business would be lacking the support it needs for success. Treat them as part of the team.
- Trust -- trust those in your close circle of influence, including friends, clients, alliance partners. Working together you can achieve more. Even it there are set backs believe in each other and that there are solutions around the corner.
- Meditation & Affirmations -- Take time to think about your goals and dreams. Speak about them to yourself. Your mind will soak that up and believe! This will help lead to focus and motivation and results.
- If you need help, ask! We are not mind readers and might need you to express yourself. Then allow yourself to be helped. It is amazing how this changes things and open doors and create choices.
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